We use Chinese natural herbs and Acupuncture to help people with infertility problem and over 90% couples are extremely happy with lovely healthy babies. There are two different types of Infertility. Primary Infertility and Secondary Infertility. Primary Infertility is the couple have never had their own babies while Secondary Infertility is the couple had their own babies before but could not conceive and get pregnant again. Factors and reasons of the above two type of infertility are different from couple to couple. Some is men's problem and some is women's problem. And some couples both have problems. The situation is different from person to person. That is why it is important to go through consultation, assessment first with our highly qualified TCM doctor to decide the herbs and treatments. We welcome and advice couples with infertility problems come to treat it as early as possible.
Special treatment
We also offer special treatments with natural herbs, acupuncture, and acupressure to help children who want to grow taller than his or her normal height, to become cleverer and more wise, have smart memory and very good eyesight.